
Headload gets a Thumbs Up from Premier Guitar

March 9th, 2016

Premier Guitar recently reviewed Radial’s flagship guitar amp attenuator, the Headload and it clearly makes the cut. The Headload is a combination load box and attenuator that is capable of handling up to 130 watts RMS of continuous power and peaks of 180 watts. Inserted between the head and cabinet, it allows the guitar amp to be driven hard while reducing the output level to reduce the sound pressure on stage or provide the means for quiet recording in the studio. This enables players to optimize the tone from the guitar amplifier without having to perform at ear-blistering levels.

Premier Guitar’s verdict is:

“Radial’s Headload Guitar Amp Load Box and Direct Box sounds at least as good as any attenuator/direct box I’ve heard, and it boasts more useful features than any of them. Few hobbyist or homebody guitarists need to spend $899 for this specialized tool if all they want is loud tones at low volume. But for players and engineers who must contend with varying venues night after night, this Swiss Army guitar D.I. could become one of the most crucial tools in in the road case.”

Read more at Premier Guitar.

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