Reamp® Basics – What is Reamping?

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Home Studio Tour: Simple Plan’s Sébastien Lefebvre

September 12th, 2017

In the spring of 2014 Sébastien Lefebvre, guitarist for Simple Plan moved his family to a new home and decided he wanted to build a home studio. He was starting to write and produce more so it made perfect sense to take advantage of the new space. And he did… Starting with—of all things—a simple… Read More


Electronic Musician reviews the Radial Key-Largo

September 6th, 2017

The following is a review by Stephen Fortner of Electronic Musician magazine in their September 2017 issue. We gigging keyboardists have pretty simple needs in onstage sound support. So why has fulfilling them always felt complicated? For mixing two or three keyboards in stereo and some way to feed our powered stage speaker separately from… Read More


Guitar Player Magazine reviews the Tonebone Regency

August 18th, 2017

The following was written by Bobby Cannon of Guitar Player Magazine in their September 2017 issue. When in the process of recording a new album, I’m always on the hunt for something that could add a little more magic to my guitar tracks. I also realized that my favorite Peavey® 6505 combo needed a little… Read More


Recording Magazine reviews the JDX Direct-Drive

August 15th, 2017

The following is a review written by Alex Hawley in the July 2017 issue of Recording Magazine. Radial Engineering is well known for its collection of studio and live gear that can accomplish just about any I/O situation imaginable. The Radial JDX Direct-Drive™ does double duty as an amp simulator and direct box—it can run… Read More


The Studio-Q™ desktop talk-back/cue system is now shipping

August 1st, 2017

Radial Engineering is pleased to announce that the Studio-Q is now shipping. The Studio-Q is a super compact, desktop talk-back/cue system. With more and more recording happening in smaller studios, the need for a simple talk-back system has become evident. Yes, there are other cue systems on the market, but most either have too many… Read More


The Radial DiNET™ DAN-TX and DAN-RX, Dante™ enabled DI boxes are now shipping!

July 18th, 2017

Developed by Audinate®, Dante™ is a low-latency audio-over-Ethernet protocol utilized in professional and commercial applications. The DAN-TX and DAN-RX provide a simple and robust solution for sending or receiving two channels of analog audio over a digital Dante-enabled network. The DAN-TX includes ¼”, RCA, and 3.5mm inputs, with a single Ethernet output that allows you… Read More


SOS Magazine Reviews the JDX Direct-Drive

July 10th, 2017

The following was originally written by Paul White and published in the June 2017 issue of Sound On Sound Magazine.  Designed to allow the guitarist to produce familiar amped tones without the need for an actual amplifier, Radial’s Tonebone JDX Direct-Drive™ emulates the tonal coloration of a guitar amplifier/speaker combination and would typically be used… Read More


Ready for some beach time? Welcome to the creative oasis that is Beach Road Studios

July 6th, 2017

Siegfried Meier (Kittie, Baptized in Blood and Woods of Ypres)  boasts a studio that has almost every piece of gear wired and ready to go. This might not sound too impressive to some but considering the sheer amount of gear the JUNO award winning producer, engineer, mixer and songwriter owns, and his penchant for continuously… Read More


The Tonebone Cab-Link is now shipping!

July 4th, 2017

The Tonebone Cab-Link™ is a simple and compact solution for players who have a single speaker output on their amplifier but want to connect two cabinets simultaneously. Radial’s Cam Wilkison: “The Cab-Link looks after a relatively straightforward task but the design team ensured the final product was compact, small enough to add to the back of… Read More

Tales from the Rhodes

Radial Backstage at Bonobo

June 30th, 2017

Jim Rhodes here. On a recent trip to the Commodore Ballroom I had the chance to walk around the stage before Bonobo‘s soundcheck. Bonobo is the stage name of Simon Green, a British musician and DJ now based out of LA. While the music he makes is primarily electronic, most of the compositions consist of traditional instruments.… Read More