Arguably the most influential keyboard player on stage today, Jordan Rudess of Dream Theater has become the first artist to officially endorse the Radial Key-Largo: a combination keyboard mixer, digital to analog interface, and performance pedal. According to Jim Rhodes (Radial Artist Relations): “Immediately after we announced the Key-Largo at the January NAMM show, Jordan… Read More
The following was originally published by Guitar Player Magazine in their 2017 April Edition and was written by Michael Molenda. I know tons of guitarists these days that often do shows requiring a plane flight, and their rigs must fit in their checked and/or carry-on luggage. And, whether you travel a few miles or across… Read More
Jim Rhodes here (Radial’s artist relations rep). I recently had the chance to check out Thomas Rhett’s show in Abbotsford, BC and show the crew and band members some new gear. Thomas Rhett is a singer/songwriter and the son of country music icon: Rhett Akins. Thomas has already released two studio albums—It Goes Like This (2013) and Tangled… Read More
Dallas Green, Canadian vocalist, guitarist and songwriter for Alexisonfire is perhaps becoming better known for his folk-style act City and Colour. Radial Artist Relations point person, Jim Rhodes checked in with their tour stop at the QE Theatre in Vancouver. I’d spoken with recording engineer, Karl Bareham and FOH/PM Stu Shuster a few weeks before… Read More
The following is a review by Paul Vnuk Jr. originally posted in the May 2017 edition of Recording Magazine. The new McBoost™ is an energy drink from the well known fast-food chain… just kidding. It’s actually a new product in the ever-expanding roster of studio and live sound solutions from Canadian audio firm Radial Engineering.… Read More
Adam Janis here—taking stab at writing for ‘Tales from the Rhodes’ about a recent visit Jim Rhodes and I made to the Father John Misty tour at Malkin Bowl on a beautiful Vancouver night Prior to our visit, the Misty crew had requested a few pieces of Radial gear which included the new Key-Largo™ keyboard mixer.… Read More
Singer, songwriter and guitarist, Melissa Etheridge, is touring her 17th album (Memphis Rock and Soul) which included a stop in Vancouver on May 5th. Melissa has long appreciated Radial products so it was an ideal time for me to pack up our latest products and head to the River Rock Casino. After 6 platinum albums, several awards… Read More
When it comes to describing sound, in particular that of a specific instrument, you might find yourself getting increasingly poetic to the point where the adjectives leave so much room for interpretation you will likely always find the only satisfying conclusion is to declare..”Well, I guess you just have to hear it for yourself.” So… Read More
The following is a review originally published by SOS Magazine in May of 2017 by Paul White. Rather than offer a straightforward overdrive pedal — Radial make a good many of those in all kinds of flavours within their Tonebone range — the Regency Pre-Drive combines a clean signal level booster with a separate, more restrained… Read More
Mother Mother’s vocal harmonies and indie style of music has found its favor with audiences and even into a Kraft television commercial in 2012. The sister/brother team of Molly and Ryan Guldemond along with band mates Ali Siadat, Mike Young and Jasmin Parkin recently wrapped up an incredible 5-night stand at Vancouver’s Commodore Ballroom,… Read More