Reamp® Basics – What is Reamping?

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Press Releases

The Tonebone Texas-Pro is now shipping!

March 7th, 2017

Radial is pleased to announce that the Tonebone Texas-Pro™, a powerful overdrive combined with a clean booster circuit, is now shipping. The Texas-Pro provides plenty of power and versatility in a compact pedalboard-friendly enclosure. Beginning with Radial’s unique Class-A buffering circuit, the Texas-Pro retains the natural feel and responsiveness of the guitar, while also allowing it to… Read More

Press Releases

The Tonebone Hot-British V9 is now shipping!

February 28th, 2017

We are pleased to announce the Hot-British V9™ is now shipping. The Hot-British V9 is an updated version of the widely popular Hot-British™ tube distortion pedal. The Hot-British V9 builds on the success of its namesake with solid-state circuitry and a much smaller chassis size, making it easier to fit on a crowded pedalboard without sacrificing… Read More


Performing Live Without a Guitar Amp

February 8th, 2017

There is no denying that playing a 100 watt Marshall® stack is like having the power of Hercules at your fingertips. It is an exhilarating and heart-pounding thrill that all guitar players need to experience at one point or another over their playing careers. There is however a flip side to the ethereal bliss that… Read More

Press Releases

Full Radial library of pedals added to Pedaltrain pedal planner

January 26th, 2017

Radial Engineering Ltd.’s full line of guitar pedals can now be found in Pedaltrain®‘s component library for their online pedal board planner. Nashville based Pedaltrain is a manufacturer of over 20 pedalboard styles that’s been building a solid reputation over the last 18 years. Their free pedal board planner resource lets customers design their board,… Read More


Radial Backstage with John Paul White (The Civil Wars)

January 25th, 2017

Born in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, John Paul White has been immersed in musical history from day one. When asked about his hometown he is quick to say he should be working at the Chamber of Commerce since he ‘talks up’ his home town so much. Muscle Shoals doesn’t need much talking up to people who… Read More


2017 NAMM Intercom Newsletter

January 18th, 2017

With NAMM 2017 starting tomorrow, we are excited to announce 15 new Radial products and many more from our sister brands (Primacoustic, Jensen, Hafler/Dynaco). If you’re attending, be sure to stop by the Radial Engineering booth! We’re located in Hall A, Booth #6940.     You can see the full list of new products and… Read More


Tonebone JDX Direct-Drive – Video Demo

January 12th, 2017

The JDX Direct-Drive™ is a powerful device that emulates the sound of a guitar amplifier while doubling as a direct box. It is based off our popular Radial JDX 48™ direct box that captures the sound of your amp’s guitar head, but this pedal requires no amp at all! And so far, the response for this pedal… Read More

Press Releases

New Japanese distributor for Radial and Tonebone brands

January 9th, 2017

Radial Engineering Ltd. is pleased to announce a new distributor in Japan for its Radial and Tonebone brands of professional audio products for touring and recording musicians and facilities. Tokyo based Electori Co. assumed the brands on November 21, 2016. Radial’s International Sales Manager, Steve Mckay: “We look forward to working with the team at… Read More


What Makes a Great Overdrive?

January 3rd, 2017

Thank you for visiting the Radial Blog! Here you will find information about emerging Radial products and articles explaining how to get more out of your gear. In appreciation of your time, this post will first explain the various qualities of a great overdrive pedal and then will give you an exclusive first-look into some unannounced… Read More

Tales from the Rhodes

Jeff Beck’s new guitarist has a Bone to pick!

December 29th, 2016

Jeff Beck is one of the most famous and decorated guitarists of all time. He’s been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice: as a member of the Yardbirds in 1992 and as a solo artist in 2009. He is often referred to as the “guitarist’s guitarist”, and has made the cover… Read More