Reamp® Basics – What is Reamping?

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Recording Magazine Reviews the Reamp® Station and Reamp® HP

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Acts Gear Up for 2023 Touring Season with Radial

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TEC Award Finalist Announcement

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JDI/J48 Legacy Gallery

September 29th, 2023

We love seeing photos of the Radial devices that are relied on everyday. Here are some highlights of DI’s found on stages and in studios around the world. “I purchased my J48 in 2011, since then it has had a permanent place in my road case. I never play a gig or rehearse without it.… Read More


Reamp® Revelations: Joe Chiccarelli

September 6th, 2023

In this series, we talk to some top names in the world of production, to learn about some of the different ways they use Reamping as part of their everyday process in the studio. Our interviewees share their insights into some of the original and creative ways they Reamp® that may not have occurred to… Read More


Recording Magazine: Reamp® Station and Reamp® HP Video Reviews

August 28th, 2023

The team over at Recording Magazine recently filmed a couple of video reviews for the Reamp® Station and the Reamp® HP. Check them out! Reamp® Station Review Reamp® HP Review In case You Missed It Recording Magazine also published a written review of the Reamp® Station and Reamp® HP in December of 2022. Read it… Read More


Reamp® Academy: Reamping Tips and Tricks

August 15th, 2023

For the final installment of our Reamp® Academy series, we are taking the opportunity to share some of our favorite tips and tricks in order to get the most out of your Reamping session and workflow. If you’ve been following along throughout the series and have the basics mastered, you can use these tips to… Read More


Reamp® Academy: Reamping Effects Pedals

July 7th, 2023

You might be surprised to hear that one of the coolest applications for a Reamp® box doesn’t involve an amplifier at all. We are going to dig into that today in part four of our Reamp Academy series, as we cover Reamping with your guitar effects pedals. A typical Reamping setup that we described in… Read More


Reamp® Academy

July 7th, 2023

Welcome to the Reamp® Academy Once viewed as a ‘secret weapon’ for savvy producers and mixing engineers, Reamping has exploded in popularity due to the flexibility that it offers. Radial first started shipping Reampers in 2011 after acquiring the trademark. Press fast forward, it is now a brand staple that continues to evolve from  John… Read More


Reamp® Academy: Setting Up Your DAW for Reamping

June 6th, 2023

If you are a newcomer to Reamping in the studio, one question you likely have is how to set up your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) for best results. While our previous Reamp® Academy post focused on the steps involved in the Reamping process, this entry will walk you through how to setup and route your… Read More


The Reamping Workflow

May 9th, 2023

For our first entry of Radial’s Reamp® Academy series, we looked at what the process of Reamping was, and how it could impact your mixes by allowing you to shape your guitar tone after the recording process has already taken place. Gone are the days of listening back to your tracks the next day and… Read More


Sound on Sound reviews the Reamp® Station and Reamp® HP

May 4th, 2023

The following review by Paul White was originally published in the May 2023 Edition of Sound on Sound magazine. Read the original review Here.    Radial Reamp® Station & Reamp® HP DI & Reamp® Boxes Ever wanted to run already recorded signals through a guitar amp or stompbox? One of these boxes could be all you… Read More


Reamp® Basics – What is Reamping?

April 18th, 2023

What is Reamping? Reamping is a studio recording technique that involves taking a recorded audio track (usually guitar or bass) and playing it back through a guitar amplifier, then capturing the results by recording the output of the amp to a new track. Once viewed as a ‘secret weapon’ of savvy producers and mixing engineers,… Read More