Reamp® Basics – What is Reamping?

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Tales from the Rhodes

Kim Mitchell: Just doing his Rock ‘n’ Roll Duty

December 22nd, 2016

Radial’s Artist Relations guy, Jim Rhodes, recently caught up with the guys in the Kim Mitchell Band and shares a little about his friend and iconic Canadian musician Kim. Kim Mitchell has been a household name in the Canadian rock music scene for 4 decades. He made his start as the guitarist and lead vocalist of… Read More

Press Releases

Radial announces Brittaney Geisler as newest engineering team member

December 20th, 2016

Radial Engineering Ltd. is pleased to announce the addition of Brittaney Geisler to the Vancouver, BC based team. As part of Radial’s growing team of engineers, Brittaney will be focused on high level product design, mechanical and graphical design of new products, embedded software design, digital audio design and high fidelity analogue audio design. Brittaney… Read More

Press Releases

Radial’s acoustic division launches new website, features customized user experience and more

December 19th, 2016

Radial’s sister company, Primacoustic, is pleased to announce the launch of their new website featuring a streamlined user experience that customizes to the individual user’s needs, a brand new blog section announcing the latest product news and featured applications as well an extensive library of educational resources. The site retains the very popular online room… Read More

Press Releases

The Radial 4-Play™ Direct Box is Now Shipping!

December 6th, 2016

Radial Engineering Ltd. is pleased to announce the 4-Play™, a unique direct box designed for artists who employ multiple instruments on stage. The 4-Play begins with a standard ¼” input for acoustic guitar, mandolin, fiddle or bass. In fact, it works great on just about any instrument. A mute footswitch lets you silence the switcher… Read More

Tales from the Rhodes

Supertramp’s Roger Hodgson Always Gives a Little Bit… More

December 2nd, 2016

Back in 2015, Radial’s Jim Rhodes (Artist Relations) caught up with former Supertramp member and classic rock icon, Roger Hodgson, in Vancouver, BC. Roger was in search of some DIs for his Guild® acoustic guitars and a DI for bass player, Dave Carpenter. Roger tried out the JDI Stereo on his acoustics and ended up… Read More

Press Releases

The Tonebone Headlight is Now Shipping!

November 28th, 2016

Vancouver, BC – Radial Engineering Ltd. is pleased to announce the Tonebone Headlight™, a compact guitar amp selector, is now shipping. The Headlight is able to sequentially activate up to four amps using a single footswitch. A second muting footswitch may be used for quiet on-stage tuning or switching instruments between songs. It can also be… Read More

Tales from the Rhodes

Cruising With Radial – Tales From The Rhodes

November 22nd, 2016

Radial has enjoyed a long and solid relationship with Florida Georgia Line band members Tyler Chiarelli (lead guitar), Dan Weller (keyboard, ganjo, guitar), and Tom Beaupre (bass). All use Radial and Tonebone gear on the road and we are very thankful for their support. Following a soldout show at Rogers Arena in Vancouver, BC on… Read More

Tales from the Rhodes

The Movement is Tempting – Tales From The Rhodes

November 19th, 2016

The Temperance Movement are a British blues rock band formed in 2011 by Glasgow-born vocalist Phil Campbell and guitarists Luke Potashnick and Paul Sayer. The rhythm section consists of bassist Nick Fyffe and the Australian-born drummer Damon Wilson. Luke was replaced by friend, and guitarist, Matt White in 2016. They have released 2 albums, a… Read More


Radial announces Gary Zywiecki as new Manager of Engineering

November 17th, 2016

Vancouver, BC – Radial Engineering Ltd. is pleased to announce the addition of Gary Zywiecki  to the Vancouver, BC based team. Gary’s new role as Manager of Engineering heads all the R&D activities from product concept to launch.  He leads a multi-disciplinary team of engineers, advancing products that span from vintage vacuum tube technology to cutting… Read More


What Type of Direct Box Works Best for Bass Guitar?

November 16th, 2016

What type of direct box works best for bass guitar? Well, it depends on the type of bass that the DI is going to be used with. When it comes to signal flow, there are two types of bass guitars: passive and active. The first electric basses, i.e., the original Fender Precision, were passive (and… Read More