About the North-Star
- Transparent overdrive provides maximum note articulation
- Class-A power booster provides up to +24dB of clean gain
- True-bypass switching to retain your tone
- Standard 9V power supply operation
The North-Star is a true-bypass, dual-function pedal that features a transparent overdrive circuit and a class-A power booster with a built-in effects loop.
The North-Star is a compact yet powerful dual-function pedal that features an independent overdrive circuit and an independent boost circuit. These two features can be used on their own or in combination for a wide range of tonal options ranging from subtle chunk to singing distortion. Regardless where you set the drive, the North-Star’s transparent overdrive circuit is designed to maintain ultimate clarity for maximum note articulation. Its class-A boost circuit provides up to +24dB of clean gain and simultaneously activates its built-in effects loop to bring in effects for soloing.