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Can I use the SW4 with a simple wired, dynamic mic?

Yes. The SW4’s transformers are extremely high quality and will only cause a slight decrease.

Can I use the SW4 to switch condenser microphones?

No. The transformers will block the 48V DC phantom power.

Can I use the SW4 to switch MIDI or digital signals?

Probably not, as all of the audio outputs are transformer isolated which may cause havoc with the data stream.

Can I use the SW4 instead of the SW8 to switch backing tracks?

Yes, but the SW4 is not equipped with a gate. This means that you would have to manually switch systems if a problem occurred. Keep in mind that the more stems you have to mic from – as in individual instruments – the better you can manage the mix for a particular venue.

What kind of power supply comes with the SW4?

It is an external brick – similar to what you would get with a laptop computer. This is equipped with an IEC cable which can be changed to suit the electrical systems around the world. The input voltage ranges from 100V to 240V.

Can I use the SW4 to switch unbalanced signals?

Yes, but you may notice a bit of a signal loss.

Can I listen to both the A and B signals at the same time using headphones?

Only on channel-1. The headphone PFL system is arranged to hear A or B on each channel and then the master sum output when none of the A or B inputs are selected.

Can I assign all of the channels to a single output?

Yes. On the top of the SW4 there is a mono sum switch. This assigned all of the channels to both XLR main outputs.

Why is the front panel MONO out mono?

Because most techs will power a single wedge monitor, guitar amp or guitar tuner using this output. If stereo is needed, you can simply use the headphone out and a TRS cable. Both outputs are adjusted using the headphone level control.

Can I use the JR2 Remote to switch any other channel than 1?

No. The JR2 only controls the channel-1 AB switch. This in turn can switch other adjacent channels when they are linked to channel-1.

Can I link channel 1 and 3 or 1 and 4 together?

No. The link only works with adjacent channels.

Can I use the headphone output to feed a stereo set of monitors?

Yes. This is a ¼” TRS output wired Tip-Left, Ring-Right. Simply use the Phones level control to adjust as needed.

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Part no: R800 8110 00