Activates or mutes the channel. LED indicator illuminates when on.
Sends output to the master bus. Recessed to prevent accidental switching.
A+B (on A only)
Mixes inputs A and B together using a resistive summing mixer, reducing output by 3dB.
Separate trim controls are used to match the signal coming into the A and B inputs. Recessed to prevent accidental change.
Selects active rear-panel input. Yellow LED indicates input A, orange LED for B.
Pre fade listen lets you select between the A or B sources. When set to off, the headphones receive the master bus output.
Signal presence LED indicator lets you know the signal is being received by the SW4.
Activates or mutes the master bus outputs.
Bus Out
Level control used to adjust the output of the master bus outputs.
Mute LED
Works with optional JR2 remote control, turns off all outputs except the headphone and tuner out.
Headphone level adjust, may be set to stereo or mono depending on your application.
Locking XLR Power
The external power supply connects with a locking connector for reliable power.
Remote Foot Switch
Input connection for the optional JR2 footswitch or JR2 DT desktop dual function remote controls. The AB switch is used to select between the A and B inputs on channel-1 along with linked channels. The MUTE switch is used to turn off all outputs except the front panel headphone and tuner (monitor) outs.
Master Output
Left and right XLR-male outputs are fed from the bus. When used in stereo, channels 1 & 3 are routed left, while channels 2 & 4 are routed right. Top-mounted mono-sum switch sends all channels to both outputs.
1/4" Outputs
Dual hi-Z guitar amp outputs are transformer isolated to eliminate hum and buzz caused by ground loops. The top ¼” jack produces a summed mono output when the bottom jack is not in use.
Channel 1-4 Inputs
Balanced XLR-F A and B inputs accept mic or line levels. Front panel trim control is used to match their levels.
Channel 1-4 Outputs
Balanced XLR-M outputs are transformer isolated to eliminate hum and buzz caused by ground loops.