
Line Level Isolator

Two Channel Line Level Isolator

The Twin-Iso™ is a high performance two channel balanced line-level isolator that provides transformer-based isolation between various pieces of pro audio equipment to eliminate hum and buzz caused by ground loops.

  • Stereo isolator withstands up to +21dB cleanly
  • Eliminates hum and buzz caused by ground loops
  • Transparent operation won’t color audio signal
  • Jensen transformers provide exceptionally linear response

Ground loop eliminator

The Twin-Iso provides a simple and professional way to remove hum and buzz from ground loops by inserting it between any two pieces of balanced audio equipment. It comes equipped with two premium Jensen transformers that deliver exceptional frequency response from 20Hz to 20kHz, with low distortion and the ability to handle high signal levels without saturation - ensuring that the signal integrity of your audio is always maintained. Connect the Twin-Iso between any line-level audio devices, including consoles, amp racks, remote towers, and recorders, and remove ground loops in an instant.

Twin-Iso Applications

Using the Twin-Iso to isolate two mixers

Isolating two mixers is common practice in live touring as it allows the opening act to set their mix and feed it into the main act's console. By isolating the two, you eliminate the potential for ground hum and buzz caused by ground loops.

Using the Twin-Iso on the amp rack

A common problem is the noise encountered when connecting two pieces of gear that may be powered on a different audio circuit. The Twin-Iso easily solves the problem by isolating the input from the output of the other device.

Using the Twin-Iso to eliminate noise

In the studio, you can sometimes come across old vintage gear that may sound great, but due to less than ideal grounding, may introduce noise. The Radial Twin-Iso is equipped with ground loops and 100% isolation to eliminate these types of problems.

Twin-Iso Resources

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